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How Many Eyelashes Do You Lose in a Day?

بواسطة Ibrahim Khan 13 Nov 2024

If you’re looking to keep your lashes as full and healthy as possible, it helps to understand what might be behind normal lash shedding. Eyelash loss is something people commonly worry about, especially if they’ve noticed more falling out than usual. Even simple lifestyle changes, like wearing less makeup or taking new supplements, can make us wonder if we’re losing lashes faster than expected.

Each eyelash has its own unique growth cycle, which includes several stages over about 90 days. The anagen phase is the time of growth, the catagen phase is a brief transition, and the telogen phase is when the lash rests until it naturally falls out. It’s during this resting phase that people typically lose around five lashes per eye per day, though this can vary. For some, factors like hormonal imbalances can result in shedding a bit more.

Applying lash extensions incorrectly can also cause lashes to fall out faster. If extensions are too heavy or put on improperly, they can place extra stress on the natural lash. Knowing how to handle lash shedding can make all the difference in keeping your lashes looking lush..

Understanding the Eyelash Growth Cycle

A healthy adult generally has between 90 and 150 eyelashes per eye, with each lash on a roughly 90-day growth cycle that includes:

Anagen Phase
This is the active growth phase, where lashes lengthen as cells divide rapidly at the root.

Catagen Phase
Here, growth stops, and the lash follicle begins to shrink, preparing for the shedding phase.

Telogen Phase
During this resting stage, the lash stays in place until it naturally sheds, allowing new growth to start.

By understanding this cycle, you can see how lashes grow and fall out at different times, keeping the lash line looking naturally full.

Why Do Eyelashes Fall Out?

Lashes fall out naturally as part of their growth cycle, but other factors can contribute to lash loss. Rubbing or pulling at lashes, certain medical conditions, hormonal shifts, lack of proper nutrients, stress, and some medications can lead to increased shedding. Additionally, improper makeup removal or using harsh removers can weaken lash follicles, causing more fallout. Check out our guide on why lash extensions sometimes fall out for more details on keeping your lashes secure.

How to Keep Your Eyelashes Healthy and Strong

Healthy lashes can be maintained with gentle care and good practices:

Be gentle when removing makeup – Use a mild remover and avoid tugging at lashes.

Nourish lashes with a serum – High-quality lash serums are formulated to support lash health by providing nourishing ingredients.

Limit heated curlers – Heated curlers can weaken lashes, so it’s best to minimize their use.

Reduce waterproof mascara – Removing waterproof mascara can be hard on lashes, leading to breakage.

Cleanse with a gentle cleanser – Lash-friendly cleansers help maintain the lash line’s cleanliness and health without irritating the eyes.

condition called trichotillomania, where hair pulling becomes a habit, potentially causing permanent lash loss if not addressed.
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How to Care for Healthy Lashes

Here are some essential tips to keep lashes strong and healthy:

Remove makeup gently before bed to prevent buildup and potential lash damage.

Avoid tugging at lashes, including extensions, as this can weaken follicles.

Use a high-quality lash serum like Flawless Lashes Lash Wizard Eyelash Serum to nourish and strengthen lashes.

Limit the use of heated lash curlers, which can weaken lashes.

Go easy on waterproof mascara, which often requires harsher removal and can lead to breakage.

Regularly cleanse lashes with a gentle product like Flawless Lashes Foam Cleanser to keep them free from impurities and makeup residue.

How Long Do Eyelashes Take to Grow Back?

Eyelashes typically take about 6–8 weeks to grow back fully after shedding or accidental removal. Since lashes grow at different rates, it’s normal for a few to fall out simultaneously.

Excessive strain on your lashes can weaken them, leading to breakage and loss. Knowing the general timeframe for lash regrowth can help you set realistic expectations and maintain proper lash care.


Is it normal to lose 10 lashes a day?
Yes, shedding up to 10 lashes per eye daily is normal, especially during seasonal shedding periods like spring and autumn.

How many natural lashes fall out daily?
On a typical day, it’s common to lose 5–7 lashes, though this number may increase during certain times of the year.

Do lashes grow back if pulled out?
Yes, lashes can grow back if pulled out occasionally. However, repeatedly pulling them out may lead to a

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